You’ve tried everything to get The Blood of Fu Manchu out of your clothes, but nothing works! You need something to cut through those tough Fu Manchu stains. Fortunately, our new short will explain… wait, sorry, nevermind, this isn’t an old short about washing your clothes in gasoline, this is something else! Something VERY else. When a movie has a title like Blood of Fu Manchu, and it’s from the 60s, you just know Fu Manchu will be played by, yes, a white guy. But not just any white guy: this Fu is Saruman and Dracula himself, Christopher Lee. He played the nefarious Mr. Manchu in a series of films based loosely on Sax Rohmer’s novels (similar vibes: The Million Eyes of Sumuru). In this installment, Fu has equipped a squad of foxy ladies with poisonous lipstick to go seduce and kill everyone on his enemies list. Oh yeah, Fu Manchu’s got an enemies list! Just one of many qualities he shares with Richard Nixon. After the poison blinds Fu Manchu’s old rival, Detective Nayland Smith, it