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Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Of all the many Binks in the world, who is the most skull-crushingly annoying? Is it the Binks Company, the Canadian insurance brokers? Is it the U.S. manufacturers of spray guns, paint booths, and electrostatic spray equipment? Or is Jar Jar, the mouthy horse-lizard from the 4th Star Wars movie, appropriately titled Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace? If you said anything but number three, you are imprisonably insane! That's right, Mike Nelson and Kevin Murphy take on the franchise-ruining Star Wars that everybody loves to hate but nobody loves to watch! Only we make you want to watch it again, and laugh instead of kill! Finally, Jar Jar gets what he deserves! Original film made in 1999.

  • Originally Aired November 1, 2006
  • Runtime 90 minutes
  • Created August 11, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 11, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Natalie Portman Guest Star
Ian McDiarmid Guest Star
Hugh Quarshie Guest Star
Pernilla August Guest Star
Liam Neeson Guest Star
Anthony Daniels Guest Star
Oliver Ford Davies Guest Star
Jake Lloyd Guest Star
Kenny Baker Guest Star
Ahmed Best Guest Star
Terence Stamp Guest Star
Frank Oz Guest Star
Ewan McGregor Guest Star
Brian Blessed Guest Star
George Lucas Director