Home / Series / RiffTrax / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 291
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Zombie - AKA I Eat Your Skin

Zombie, AKA I Eat Your Skin, the movie so nice they named it twice! Or, if you’re more into “facts,” the movie they renamed for a re-release in 1970 to be paired with I Drink Your Blood. It was an interesting move to change the name to I Eat Your Skin, though, since the movie contains absolutely no skin-eating at all. Not even an earlobe nibble! A more accurate title would have been I Occasionally Chop Off Heads With a Machete Because I’m The Voodoo Kind Of Zombie, Not The BRAAAAINS Kind. See how snappy that would have been! Our hero is an oversexed pulp novelist who gets swarmed by women everywhere he goes, like he’s a Beatle or something. This time, he’s going to an island, and, we’re not kidding about this, the island is called Voodoo Island. What could go wrong? Well, plenty, because the island is home to a scientist who’s trying to cure cancer with snake venom, which keeps turning people into zombies instead. Big Pharma strikes again! Will the novelist, his new girlfriend, and his alcoholic publisher friend get away with their lives? Will a novel be written? Will any skin be eaten? (The answer to that last one is a definitive NO). Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for a weekend jaunt down to Voodoo Island for Zombie, AKA I Eat Your Skin!

  • Originally Aired April 26, 2019
  • Runtime 90 minutes
  • Created August 18, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 18, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Zachary Shatzer Writer
Michael J. Nelson Writer
Conor Lastowka Writer
Sean Thomason Writer
Jason Miller Writer