It’s hard to remember now, but there was a time, about a thousand years ago, when big expensive superhero movies didn’t dominate the multiplexes. Oh, we had the same superheroes, sure, but their screen versions weren’t quite as glossy – they were more like the bags of cereal on the bottom shelf with names like “Sugar Triangles.” We’re talking about the '70s and '80s, when TV movie versions of Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and The Hulk ran free across the nation’s airwaves. A time when Spider-Man’s costume looked the same as the guys dressed like him charging for photographs on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. When Doctor Strange had an afro and got seduced by a young Jessica Walter (aka, Lucille Bluth) playing a foxy sorceress. And yes, the one and only Reb Brown as Captain America, motorcycle helmet and all. Slab Throwshield, riffed at last! You don’t want to miss his hang glider showdown with Christopher Lee. Yes, you read that sentence right.