Kaan Woo is about to retire and his co-workers are sad to see him go. Thing is, his co-workers are evil kung fu monks and when they get sad, they kick you. So Kaan does what any of us would do in this situation: transfers his consciousness into the body of a hobo that passed out in a nearby alley. As you’d expect, the bum wakes up knowing how to do kung fu (related), a thirst for malt liquor (unrelated), and an inability to speak in a consistent accent from scene to scene (we’re not sure). He’s played by one of the guys who stole the Big Lebowski’s rug so maybe he just has unprocessed guilt about the room being no longer tied together. It’s like The Legend of the Drunken Master if Jackie Chan was getting hammered off a bottle of warm Robitussin that he kept in his car’s trunk.