NOTICE - Retro Core Volume 23 has some interlacing problems on quite a few of the games featured. This is due to an error in encoding. I apologize for any inconvenience. Retro Core gets a new look with a brand new opening and ending sequence plus a different "Coming up" sequence as well. Not only do we have the new look but a whole host of top quality games for you. Seventeen titles in total including our very first PAL Dreamcast game feature. Neo Geo - Neo Driftout Super Famicom - Hebereke No Popun Super Famicom - Wild Guns (Game of the month) Super Famicom - Dirt Racer (What ever happened to.....) Saturn - Dungeons & Dragons collection Saturn - Jungle Rhythm Saturn - Time Gal & Ninja Hayate Saturn - Gun Griffon (CG Intro only) Dreamcast - Head Hunter Dreamcast - Suchie Pai Doki Doki Nightmare Dreamcast - Virtua Fighter History Arcade - The Simpsons Famicom - Max Warrior Famicom - Mighty Final Fight X68000 - Chase H.Q. (Shite of the month) PC Engine - Super Star Soldier Mega Drive - Marvel Land