Minecraft Life SMP: Rendog teams up with Martyn for the first session of the new Wild Life Series, where shenanigans are afoot from the start!
Minecraft Life SMP: Rendog and the server explore the Wildcard with mixed results before the Renmound boys begin work on their very flammable base!
Minecraft Life SMP: Rendog tries to handle the horror of Snail Week before initiating a regrettable attempt at taking a heart from a Dark Green... mistakes were made!!
Minecraft Life SMP: Time slows down for the server while Rendog's terrible attempts to get back a life continue... that is until the Mound Boys team up for an honorable frag!
Minecraft Life SMP: The server faces questions from a Robot for rewards or punishments, and Rendog helps Martyn with the most explosive Combo Frag so far in the series!
Minecraft Life SMP: The server is overrun with Mobs while Rendog and Martyn fortify their Inthelittlelake base and participate in a rather unfortunate but hilarious frag.
Minecraft Life SMP: The server is blessed with Super Powers as Ren and Martyn formulate plans before joining the group to try and put a stop to Tango-related insanity!
Minecraft Life SMP: The server faces it's final session as Martren the DNA Abomination searches for friends and foes alike - can they ride their mutation to ultimate victory?!