Church and Grif provide a Point/Counterpoint session on the subject of getting a tattoo. Church argues against tattoos, while Grif argues for them. Using a bulleted list, Church notes simply that tattoos are permanent, and that all people are idiots, so therefore in ten years will regret their decision. Grif in turn counters that as long as viewers make good choices and avoid clichés such as barbed wire, band logos and Asian lettering and symbols, tattoos are cool. After attempting to display Grif's poor expertise on the subject by revealing he has the comic book character Blade tattooed to his neck, Church suggests viewers get tattoos of their "favorite online cartoon", followed by images of Strong Bad and Penny Arcade and Church taking offense. Notably, Church's voice actor, Burnie Burns, does not have any tattoos, while Grif's voice actor, Geoff Ramsey, has many.