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Season 1

  • S01E01 Inside the Retail Mafia 1983

    • October 14, 2011
    • НТВ

    The story of Yuri Sokolov, manager of the famous Eliseyev Store in Moscow, who was sentenced to death for corruption in 1983. A total of 147 people in the retail industry, including govenment bureaucrats, were arrested. I the country rumors spread that the new General Secretary Yuri Andropov was struggling aganst the nomenklatura, but few knew what was really going on.

  • S01E02 Inside the Political Mafia 1983

    • October 21, 2011
    • НТВ

    The struggle between Yuri Andropov, head of the security service KGB, against the corrupt Nikolai Shchelokov, head of Soviet police and the Ministry of the Interior, which ended in Shchelokov downfall and suicide in 1984.

  • S01E03 Inside the War Mafia 1945

    • October 28, 2011
    • НТВ

    In June 1946, an investigation was initiated against Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov. It showed that he had taken furniture, works of art and other German war trophies for his personal use, leading to the fact that Zhukov was sent into exile by Stalin.

  • S01E04 Inside the Army Mafia 1952

    • November 4, 2011
    • НТВ

    In 1952 no ordinary Soviet citizens would have imagined that a secret nationwide mafia could exist without the knowledge of the authorities. It's entanglements were such that, when it was uncovered, it sent shock waves into the highest circles of the communist party.

  • S01E05 Inside the Fishing Mafia 1977

    • November 11, 2011
    • НТВ

    In 1977 workers in the fisheries trade started getting arrested. 120 investigators working under Yuri Andropov, head of the KGB, uncovered massive corruption involving hundreds of tons of goods labelled as herring and mackerel exported from the Soviet Union. Was it just a corruption case, or was it a chit in the Kremlin power struggle?

  • S01E06 Inside the Disappearing Gold 1921

    • November 18, 2011
    • НТВ

    While leading the world proletarian revolution, fighting a devastating civil war, and starvation rampant among the peasant population in the early 1920s, leading Bolsheviks were selling off the Imperial Russian gold reserve on the world market. Who was really the Gold Bolshevik?