At the last minute, Valeria refuses to marry Franco. Lupita wants to learn more about her father. Alma visits Franco; he tells her Marina, Mía's mother, is still alive. Mía admits she's saddened that Miguel may leave. Miguel tells the band he's staying at Elite Way. Franco thinks Alma may like him. RBD performs at the concert in the Palacio, real footage is used. León see the band perform. Miguel asks Franco for forgiveness; he forgives and they hug. Roberta tells Simon that it might be better if she left him. León confronts Diego at school about the concert.
Ante el Juez, Valeria le dice a Franco que no se casará con él porque sólo quería humillarlo. Miguel decide quedarse. Nico le pregunta a Lupita si se casaría con él. RBD da un concierto en el Palacio de los Deportes. Miguel le pide perdón a Franco.