Criminologist Himura Hideo gets so much pleasure out of being in crime scenes that he's even confessed to having wanted to kill someone. Constantly seeking out the ultimate crime, he is indeed a man with quite a few issues. Mystery writer Arisugawa Arisu, on the other hand, keeps a close eye on Himura's investigations and writes about them but at times completely misses the point. Not at all the type of guy you'd call dependable, Arisugawa nonetheless professes to be the protector of the clumsy Himura. Although these two men appear like they have no business being in crime scenes, they mitigate each other's shortcomings and use their compelling logic to unravel the elaborately woven tricks left behind by the criminals. It's almost as if Himura and Arisugawa use incredible magical powers to tease out unimaginable truths!
- Rinshou Hanzai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri
- Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa
- Clinical Criminologist Hideo Himura's Inference
犯罪学者・火村英生は、殺人願望を公言し、犯罪に美学を感じ、究極の犯罪を追い求める、かなりヤバそうな男。かたや、推理作家・有栖川有栖は、火村の捜査を観察しながら、時に的外れな推理を繰り出しつつも、危なげな彼の保護者役を自認する、ちょっと頼りなげな男。およそ、捜査現場には似つかわしくない2人が、お互いの残念な欠陥を補完しながら、犯罪者が現場に残した複雑怪奇な“トリック”という挑戦状を、究極的に美しいロジックで解明! 予想を覆す真相を炙り出していく。
英都大學的副教授火村英生(齋藤工飾)時常接受警察的委託參與殺人事件的調查。他坦言自己有時會冒出殺人的念頭,並追求極致的犯罪。在這樣內心藏有陰暗面的火村身邊守護並支持他的人,是火村的好友,推理作家有棲川有棲(窪田正孝飾)。火村與有棲川搭檔解決了許多事件。 火村涉入了連續殺害兩名年輕女性的連續殺人案的搜查中。兩名女性口中都留有寫著謎之訊息的紙片。兩件事件連續發生在每週的周二晚上。火村預測第三起殺人案會發生在第三週週二的夜晚。看似性格不合的兩人在搜查現場互補互助,解開犯人在現場留下的各種複雜離奇的挑戰書…