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Season 1

  • S01E01 Ayesha and Michael

    • September 19, 2013
    • Home Network

    Ayesha and Michael have actually stalked houses of interest during their own home search, but even then have never signed on the dotted line! Sarah rescues this no filter couple, showing them the potential of three homes with an eye to their long list of wants. Once Ayesha and Michael buy, Sarah renovates the one room that makes their lengthy search worth it!

  • S01E02 Ameera and Ethan

    • Home Network

    Ameera and Ethan are getting married in a few weeks, and they’re each moving away from home for the first time! Sarah zeroes these house-buying newbies in on the potential of three homes with features and amenities that target their age group. Once Ameera and Ethan buy, Sarah renovates the one room in their new home that takes it over the threshold to terrific!

  • S01E03 Janice and Colin

    • Home Network

    For Janice the suburban dream means lots of space and great schools. For husband Colin it’s all about his car collection. Sarah shows this duo the potential of three houses, each sprawling with additional character, good schools and big driveways. Once Janice and Colin buy, Sarah renovates the one room in their new home that’s crucial to family enjoyment!

  • S01E04 Ann and Theo

    • Home Network

    Ann’s never lived anywhere but Theo’s bachelor pad. Two kids later and it’s time they find something that’s theirs, and bigger! Sarah shows them the potential in three houses that suit their growing family’s needs and keeps on budget. Once Ann and Theo buy, Sarah renovates the one room they can’t wrap their heads around as welcome to their new, bigger home!

  • S01E05 Caroline and Josh

    • Home Network

    The very pregnant Caroline and Josh need out of his parents’ house, where they’re bunking to save money. Sarah shows them potential in three houses, each perfect in which to build a family. And it’s happening at lightning speed as Caroline’s due in a month! Once Caroline and Josh buy, Sarah renovates the one room that stands out as b-a-d, finishing just as baby arrives!

  • S01E06 Tova and Marnie

    • Home Network

    After slogging through a hundred open houses and losing numerous bidding wars Tova and Marnie are itching to move from their tiny condo. Sarah comes to the rescue, showing them the potential in three houses that offer the space and practicality they each crave. Once Tova and Marnie buy, Sarah renovates the one room in their new home that takes it from so-so to hellooo!

  • S01E07 Andrea and Wayne

    • Home Network

  • S01E08 Truc and Eric

    • Home Network

    As this newlywed’s family starts to grow it’s time for their home to do the same. Andrea and Wayne join Sarah on the hunt through three houses for character and charm, which for one means turnkey the other DIY. Once Andrea and Wayne buy, Sarah rebuilds the room they can’t figure out from scratch, setting them on course for future renos!

  • S01E09 Jasmine and Kevin

    • Home Network

    During their seven month, inconclusive home search Jasmine and Kevin have lived in a hotel room. Sarah comes to the rescue showing them the potential of three houses, pointing out their location based benefits and drawbacks. Once Jasmine and Kevin buy, Sarah renovates the one room in their new home that puts a gleaming polish on their diamond in the rough!

  • S01E10 Christa and Mike

    • Home Network

    Christa and Mike have already sold and have 30-days to find a new home, with a seven-week old baby in tow! Sarah steps up with three suburban homes, each with fewer stairs than their current townhouse – good thing for Mike, who breaks his leg part way through the search! Once Christa and Mike buy Sarah renovates their deal breaker room into the treat they deserve!

  • S01E11 Evette and Jason

    • Home Network

    After two-years of renting in the suburbs Evette and Jason are ready to commit. While the houses they’ve been viewing are new, they’re not well cared for. Sarah mitigates the quirks with her hand picked collection of houses, bursting with potential. Once Evette and Jason buy, Sarah wrangles sense into the one room in their new home that remains an enigma!

  • S01E12 Vanessa and Troy

    • Home Network

    Vanessa and Troy are blending their two condos into one home they can call their own. That is, if Vanessa can stop being swayed by the homeowners’ tastes. Sarah opens their eyes and imaginations to the potential of three houses. Once Vanessa and Troy buy, Sarah rescues the one room in their new home that is currently a disaster!

  • S01E13 Jennifer and Matt

    • Home Network

    Though they need more space for their growing family, Jennifer and Matt are can’t bear leaving the home they love. Sarah jumps in with three houses, the potential of each far outweighing their current place. Once Jennifer and Matt buy, Sarah renovates the one room they can’t stand, further igniting their passion for their new home!

  • S01E14 Afsaneh and Andrew

    • Home Network

    Afsaneh started looking for her own home, until boyfriend Andrew suggested they buy together. Sarah shows them the potential of three houses; each picked to balance individual wants and needs at this delicate time. Once Afsaneh and Andrew buy, Sarah renovates the one room they can’t figure out, creating the love nest they wanted all along!

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