Real Cardio 3 gets your adrenaline flowing and those calories burning by increasing the time of each move by 10 seconds. Still three circuits, but now each move is performed for 40 seconds.
You want to look refined and defined? In Real Strength 3, David Jack adds an extra element called the “Power Burst,” to kick your heart rate into high gear. Power Bursts are short bursts of cardio interspersed throughout the circuits, for lean-muscle- making and calorie-burning in one!
With Cardio 4, David introduces combat training to help increase your power and speed.
In Real Strength 4, you're taking it up another notch with four muscle-defining, fat- burning strength circuits for transformation results.
Cardio 5 puts calorie burn into overdrive by integrating elite athlete training moves with high-energy cardio combinations. Each workout is the building block of the next, so that as you progress on your fitness journey, you are continuing to challenge your body. Don’t forget: Challenge = Change!
Finally, with Real Strength 5, you're performing dynamic strength moves to chisel and define from every angle. You’ll not only feel stronger, you’ll look leaner, more sculpted, and just plain fitter, from every angle.