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Season 3

  • S03E01 Episode 1

    Monty travels to Norfolk to meet Bryony and Martin Jacklin who moved from London after Martin was attacked and left with a broken spine. After transforming three acres of field into a garden, Bryony wants to create a beautiful view that Martin can see from his bed. Carol meets retired teacher and plantaholic Diana Harold at her seaside Suffolk home to help with her established cottage garden. And Ann-Marie Powell visits Mike Woodhall and Alison Buckley at their first home in Cheshire that Mike is renovating before their wedding.

  • S03E02 Episode 2

    Monty Don revisits the Norfolk home of Bryony and Martin Jacklin where Bryony is resolved to transform their three acres of land into a beautiful garden to give her disabled husband a wonderful view from his window. Expert landscaper Ann-Marie Powell pays her first visit to Lisa Jacobson in the suburbs of London. With two small children and a non-gardener husband, Lisa's time is very limited but she would love a child-friendly garden full of colour and scent.

  • S03E03 Episode 3

    Ann-Marie returns to see Mike Woodhall and Alison Buckley in Stockport, who are preparing their marital home and garden ready to move in after their wedding in May 2001. The couple have been busy preparing boggy ground, in readiness for the raised vegetable beds that Ann-Marie helps them build. Monty returns to Norfolk to continue work on the three-acre garden Bryony Jacklin is transforming to improve the views for her disabled husband Martin. Monty helps Bryony thinning out and plotting up seedlings she has grown in her newly acquired second hand greenhouses. Carol travels to the Suffolk coast to help Diana Harold sort through a backyard full of new purchases that need a home.

  • S03E04 Episode 4

    Plans to refurbish an old shed, unclogging a blocked garden stream and potting up home-grown seedlings face the amateur horticulturalists. Ann-Marie Powell re-visits Lisa Jacobson's London home, to help turn her old shed into a part tool-store and part playhouse for her two young daughters. Carol Klein dons her waders and plunges into the mud, lending a hand to Adrian and Debbie Taylor's clearing of a mill stream running through the garden of their Devon home. Monty Don returns to Bryony and Martin Jacklin's Norfolk home to help with the creation of circular flower beds and grassed walkways.

  • S03E05 Episode 5

    Whatever the weather, Monty Don, Carol Klein and Ann-Marie Powell go to work with a group of enthusiastic amateur gardeners. Carol visits plantaholic retired teacher Diana Harold in Felixtowe. Helped by Diana's two grown-up sons they tackle the new paths and raised beds of the vegetable plot. Ann-Marie returns to Stockport to help young couple Alison Buckley and Mike Woodhall. Together they construct a rustic boardwalk to give access to the bottom end of the muddy garden. Monty is back with Bryony and Martin Jacklin in their three acre Norfolk plot. This week Monty and Bryony turn their attention to the sad looking bog garden. All the plants are dying - is the cause the soil or are ducks to blame?

  • S03E06 Episode 6

    Seeking out new seeds, plants and trees is the order of the day in this week's Real Gardens. Ann-Marie revisits Lisa Jacobson, and the pair travel to the Royal Horticultural Society's Westminster Show in a quest for hardy modern plants for Lisa's borders. Carol Klein returns to the steeply sloping Devon garden of police officers Adrian and Debbie Taylor, concentrating on their 'orchard' boasting only three sad looking fruit trees. Together they head for a nursery looking for fruit trees which will ensure a bountiful crop. Monty Don goes back to Norfolk to see Bryony and Martin Jacklin, where Bryony is transforming what was once farmer's fields into a formal family garden. They plant wildflower plugs and seed mix into the lawn, and lend a hand to daughter Freya's clearing of her herb garden of 'weedlings and Seedlings'.

  • S03E07 Episode 7

    Monty visits Liz and Rod Collenette sub-tropical two-acre garden on the sunny island for the first time and helps to improve the view by cutting back a large tree. Ann-Marie returns to Mike Woodall and Alison Buckley's boggy back garden in Stockport and they travel to Stapeley Water Gardens in search of inspiration for plants that thrive in wet, marshy conditions. Meanwhile, Carol Klein is back with Diana Harold in her seaside Felixtowe plot to construct new compost bins and screen off the area with a trellis.

  • S03E08 Episode 8

    Three groups of amateur horticulturists head for the Chelsea Flower Show seeking inspiration. Monty Don takes Liz Collonette away from her Guernsey garden is search of Mediterranean plants to enhance the views from a new terrace currently under construction. Ann-Marie is in search of colour with Stockport couple Mike Woodhall and Alison Buckley. After picking up the best in bedding plants the local garden centre can offer, the trio trawl Chelsea looking for colourful, shade loving plants. Carol Klein and Devonshire couple Adrian and Debbie Taylor, are on the lookout for something to add the wow factor to their patio, and some perennials for the hanging baskets. Where better to find ideas than Chelsea?

  • S03E09 Episode 9

    Two amateur gardeners are paid their final visit by the experts. Ann-Marie helps to put the final touches to the Harrow garden of Lisa Jacobson. Over the weeks, the pair have been turning the tiny patch into an area for Lisa's two small daughters to enjoy - even transforming an old shed into a playhouse. Carol Klein makes her last trip to Felixstowe to see compulsive plant purchaser Diana Harold. But her patio is piling up with unplanted buys, so Carol and Diana tour the garden putting each plant in the right spot. Monty Don returns to the Guernsey garden of Liz and Rod Collonette to tackle the renovation of the garden's Victorian greenhouse. The pair whitewash the glass to shade the plants and prune the prized grapevine to ensure a bountiful crop of grapes.

  • S03E10 Episode 10

    A cab driver, whose exotic North London garden is packed with palms and bursting with bamboos, joins the amateur horticulturalists. Ann-Marie enters the urban jungle at Pat Wallace's Islington flat, where he and his wife Sandy have lived for 20 years. Pat gets Ann-Marie's advice on layout, design and the position of a new eight-foot fern. After helping clear away a grassy mound, at the Guernsey home of Liz and Rod Collenette, Monty Don's thoughts turn to planting raised beds where the mound once stood. Together Liz and Monty tackle the task. Carol Klein returns to South Devon to see Adrian and Debbie Taylor, who have been suitably inspired by their trip to the Chelsea Flower Show. With Carol's help, they set about planting scented flowers in the terraced bed using seedlings that Debbie has propagated herself.

  • S03E11 Episode 11

  • S03E12 Episode 12

  • S03E13 Episode 13

    Three amateur horticulturists take to the Hampton Court Flower Show with £75 to spend. Monty Don and allotment fanatic Adam Waterman are on the lookout for some child friendly garden features, as Adam continues the transformation of his front garden into a jungle play area. But can he resist new additions to his vegetable patch? Ann-Marie Powell is helping restore some order to the Islington garden of London cabbie Pat Wallace. Packed with palms and full of ferns, Pat's garden is in need of redesigning. Together they search the Royal Horticultural Society show for inspiration. Carol Klein escorts Essex couple Chris and Bill Skeels round the show's stalls and gardens. Having decamped to Devon, they have differing ideas on how to best spend the £75. Bill loves tools and gadgets, while Chris has her eye on more plants for the garden.

  • S03E14 Episode 14

    Resident experts Monty Don, Carol Klein and Ann-Marie Powell catch up on previous gardens and chart the progress and changes since last autumn. Monty Don travels back to the Merseyside garden of Annabel Waynne Jones. Last year the pair began work on the former coal yard, producing such spectacular results that Annabel opened her garden up to the public. Carol Klein returns to the Portsmouth plot of Gem and Drew who created a colourful shingle garden and a new allotment. Ann-Marie Powell travels to the steeply sloping Burton-on-Trent garden of Heather and Russell Eales. After removing a Leylandii hedge, building a shed and putting in a new pond, surely there is nothing left to do!

  • S03E15 Episode 15

    There are no instant makeovers here, but the increasing delight of the experts watching plans come to fruition, and plants grow more beautiful, throughout the gardening season. Ann-Marie meets Dilys Wilson, a vivacious new real gardener in the Cotswold town of Tetbury. Carol plants up a Devon pond with transplanted Essex couple, Chris and Bill Skeels. Monty Don does battle with the pests in Adam Waterman¿s organic allotment in Yorkshire.

  • S03E16 Episode 16

    Monty is with Liz Collentte in Guernsey, garnering seaweed to fertilise her lakeside garden. Ann-Marie is building a dry stone wall in a Cotswold garden with Dilys Wilson, a woman who combines good looks with the skills of a stonemason. And Carol is in Devon, creating a new bog garden with Chris and Bill Skeels.

  • S03E17 Episode 17

    Ann-Marie Powell is in the Gloucestershire garden of Dilys Wilson. Now the garden is taking shape, attention turns to the ornamental kitchen garden and finding suitable herbs and plants which will grow well in a dry and sunny place. Monty Don is in Yorkshire, comparing notes on organic gardening with Adam Waterman. Monty helps Adam tend to the rare vegetables on his allotment before visiting a seed library, where they find more antique varieties, including purple podded peas. Carol Klein rejoins Chris and Bill Skeels for some hard graft in Devon. They make a start on their woodland garden, getting rid of old weeds and rubbish to make way for new native plants.

  • S03E18 Episode 18

    Monty is back in Guernsey, enjoying the late summer glories of Liz Collenette's seaside garden. Then he goes to work, demonstrating how to resurrect a rundown rose-bed. Meanwhile, Ann-Marie is showing Dilys Wilson how to train espalier fruit trees against the high stone walls of her Cotswold garden.

  • S03E19 Episode 19

    Carol travels to Wiltshire to meet organic enthusiast Adam Hunt. The pair take on the vegetable patch, where they use tiling to add some decorative order to the plot. Ann-Marie is back in the Cotswold garden of Dilys Wilson, giving her courtyard an exotic touch with new plants and ornaments. Monty revisits Joanna Crane, who featured in last year's series. After a guided tour of the Leicestershire garden, Monty is soon put to work.

  • S03E20 Episode 20

    After all the hard work across the gardening season as autumn begins to approach, the amateur horticulturalists add their final touches in the last of the series. Organic gardener Adam Hunt, makes the most of Carol Klein¿s expertise, and together they plan an area to grow shrubs and fruit trees at his Wiltshire home. Monty Don is in Leicestershire with Joanna Crane, tackling a diseased box hedge that's lost its bounce. Monty prescribes coppicing stems, and burning the top layer of soil, to restore its health. Ann-Marie is adding modern lighting as a final touch to the Cotswoid garden of Dilys Wilson. And in the newly illuminated garden, Dilys gets the verdict from some party guests.