Mike Cannon and Sidney Gantt join Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico and discuss wrapping presents for Christmas, Amsterdam’s efforts to get rid of “nuisance tourism” by closing sex workers’ windows, the legality of mushrooms and whether it’s good or bad, Sidney trying to have a bad trip, the girl with long crooked toes who fixed them with surgery, the teen who was accidentally impaled by a javelin, the Parent Test reality TV show, the Florida psychics who were sentenced to 3 years in prison for scamming a woman and her family and so much more! (Air Date: December 23rd, 2022) Follow the whole show: @IAmMikeCannon, @SidneyGantt, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @GaSDigital, @ShannonLee6982, @NatalieDecicco_Edits