Mike Feeney and Oscar Aydin join Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico and discuss another Real Ass Podcast podcast war, Luis fighting Jason Ellis on April 8th, Luis and Oscar switching sexual preferences, Luis’ experience at Barton Springs in Austin, Baby James encountering a topless woman in the wild, their first time having a sip of alcohol as kids, ASMR videos, Does It Live – the man attempting to jump from the elevated train tracks to a roof, the angry customers trashing a French fry restaurant in Manhattan, the bodega worker who killed his attacker and so much more! (Air Date: July 8th, 2022) Follow the whole show: @IAmMikeFeeney, @IHaveGayDHD, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @GaSDigital, @ShannonLee6982