Mike Feeney and Brendan Sagalow join Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico and discuss what skin removal surgery would be like, Brendan's fear of blood and how it makes him have seizures, Luis's trip to Miami and getting into a fight with a female Uber driver, why Luis is better than Feeney, the context of the Tony Hinchcliffe video, the sentencing of the teens who killed an Uber driver, animals that are freaks of nature, the old man who was killed at a Dunkin' Donuts for using the n-word and so much more!(Air Date: May 14th, 2021)Follow the whole show: @IAmMikeFeeney, @BrendanSagalow, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @GaSDigital, @ShannonLee6982, @ItsIrishOneil