Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico are joined by comedians Mike Feeney and Greg Stone and discuss ordering stuff from other people's Alexas, Greg and Mike playing Grand Theft Auto, Greg's podcast accommodations, Marilyn Manson in the news again - Twiggy rape allegations, David Cross' wife throwing him under the bus, Real Ass Dude Of The Week - the kid who punched the boxer during weigh-ins, follow up on the little girl who wouldn't drink her milk, how to get rid of a dead body, Luis' promiscuous cat, Listener Questions and so much more! Follow the whole show: @IAmMikeFeeney, @GregStone_, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @RealAssPodcast, @GaSDigital, @IMShannonLee