Minister Keane begs his loyal driver Creed to help him out of the bind he finds himself in…and they bury the body in a bog. Noel and his sister Denise anxiously wait for Liam to recover from his fall, so they can ensure he doesn't spill the beans on them. The De Barra's rob a Chinese Restaurant, for some ready cash ... and a hot meal, a plan almost foiled by the unsuspecting Aoife! All end the day arriving at a hotel in the city, to be met with a gruesome surprise from the sky!
Dráma bunaithe ar sheachtain na rásaí: Dé Máirt: Iarrann an tAire Keane ar a thiománaí dílis Creed cabhrú leis an corp a chur sa phortach. Bíonn Noel agus a dheirfiúr Denise ag fanacht go dtiocfaidh Liam chuige féin ón titim a fuair sé sa chaoi is go mbeidh siad cinnte nár inis sé tada fúthu féin. Robálann muintir De Barra bialann Síneach.