We've got another double shot this time around, though that's mostly just so I can officially induct Pitfall II: Lost Caverns after playing through the Atari 800 version of the game on a stream recently. After briefly revisiting that game in the context of the induction, it's on to the real deal, Doug Smith's Lode Runner. It's a classic action/puzzle game that takes some of the basic hole digging gameplay from Space Panic (or Apple Panic, if you're more familiar with that A2 clone of the arcade original) and adds gold, puzzles, and shredding guitars. Oh wait, no, the shredding guitars were my addition to the game as I played it obsessively for what seems like years, but in reality... I bet it was the summer of 1984.ir? Can Little Samson survive my daughter's runny nose? Time to put this operation to the ultimate test.