Das Feuer liegt bereits einen Monat zurück. Bruder ist aus dem Krankenhaus zurück und die Jungen aus Block 2, Zelle 6, verbringen friedliche Tage. Sie versprechen einander, sich in zwei Jahren wieder an dem großen Baum in Minato zu treffen, in dessen Rinde sie ihre Zukunftsträume geritzt haben. (Text: Amazon Channels)
After leaving the hospital, Sakuragi reunites with his cellmates. A new guard, Kumagai, has replaced Ishihara who is on house arrest related to the fire. While doing community service outside one day, the boys each relate their dreams. Before returning to the school, the boys carve their dreams into a large tree and promise to meet back at the spot after they get out of the school. Ishihara returns and conspires to with Dr. Sasaki to deal with Sakuragi, who will be released in a month. They remove Sakuragi from cell 2-6 and place him in another cell with several large, strong boys. They beat him nightly, yet Sakuragi continues to bear the pain and smile, frustrating them. Mario, learning of the beatings, begs to take Sakuragi place in exchange for them sparing him. They beat Mario and shatter his right hand with a large stone. That night, the bullies taunt Sakuragi with what they did to Mario. After hearing they shattered Mario's hand, Sakuragi pulverizes the ringleader's face with a single punch. The other bullies stare in shock as Sakuragi's tells them that he was willing to put up with their abuse, but that they crossed the line when they attacked his friend.
Después de salir del hospital, Sakuragi se reúne con sus compañeros de celda. Un nuevo guardia, Kumagai, ha reemplazado a Ishihara que está en arresto domiciliario relacionado con el incendio. Mientras hacen servicio comunitario afuera un día, cada uno de los niños relata sus sueños. Antes de regresar a la escuela, los niños tallan sus sueños en un gran árbol y prometen encontrarse en el lugar después de salir de la escuela.
Dopo aver lasciato l'ospedale, Sakuragi si riunisce con i suoi compagni. Una nuova guardia, Kumagai, ha sostituito Ishihara che è agli arresti domiciliari per l'incendio.
Sakuragi a encore trois semaines avant de quitter Shônan. Sasaki et Ishihara, craignant que ne soient révélés leurs méfaits, sont bien décidés à le réduire au silence.