The Defense Four are assigned as the JNR idol Noa Kashima's guards during a performance on the beach. After guarding her from a fan at the station, Takayama faints. As thanks, Kashima gives him her stamp collection book. During a practice session, flash paper (Nitrocellulose) is burnt as a threat to Kashima's performance. The following day, during the performance, the criminal, disguised as a member of staff, attempts to run on stage and stab Kashima. Thanks to Iida's quick thinking, they manage to play it off as a performance. Takayama gets stabbed, but is saved by the stamp book in his chest pocket. In the end, it seems that Kashima develops romantic feelings towards Takayama.
人気歌手・鹿島乃亜が東京中央公安室の一日班長を務めることになり、 直人たち第四警戒班がその警護役に任命される。
その上乃亜に脅迫状が届いていることを知らされ、波乱含みのままイベントのリハーサルへ突入!? 不安を抱えたままイベント当日を迎えるが――
El Cuatro de Defensa están asignados como guardias ídolo JNR Noa de Kashima durante una actuación en la playa. Después de que guarda su de un ventilador en la estación, Takayama desmaya. Como agradecimiento, Kashima le da su libro colección de sellos.