Martinet und Belzebuth haben Amira, Favaro und Kaisar in eine Falle gelockt - der Auferstehung Bahamuts steht nun nichts mehr im Weg. In seiner Verzweiflung bittet Favaro darum, ebenfalls in einen Teufel verwandelt zu werden... doch Martinet durchschaut die List - und verwandelt Favaro in einen Dämon. Die Engel versuchen, den Bannkreis um Bahamut aufrecht zu halten.
With Favaro transformed into a demon, he is now under their control. Beezlebub and Martient prepare Amira for transportation but not before blasting Kaisar away to fall into the depths below. The god clan attempt to maintain the seal on Bahamut but sense the presence of the Transcendent Key now that it is formed. Meanwhile Azazel converses with Rita and Bacchus, revealing that Beezlebub is the one behind Amira's actions as well Martinet; Rita theorizes Martient is not a demon like Beezlebub. While protecting the seal the angels are attacked by the corrupted Jeanne who slays Raphael and Uriel before going after Michael. Kaisar is saved by Bacchus in his flying carriage only to be attacked by Jeanne. While Bacchus fights Jeanne, Rita gives Kaisar a cure she made for the demon transformation and he taunts Azazel into helping him. Rita attempts to administer the last of the antidotes to Jeanne but fails only for Michael to successfully give it to Jeanne through a kiss after she impales him. Jeanne is freed, turning back into a saint while Michael's physical form disappears and he reassures her the world needs her. As Beezlebub prepares to destroy the angels protecting Bahamut's barrier Azazel attacks him and engages in battle for revenge. Kaisar duels with the demonic Favaro and upon seeing how he's become a true demon shoots him in the chest. Amira emerges from the Transcendent Key's orb, now with angel's wings. Lavalley appears before Kaisar, only for Rita to warn to get way from the knight. With the barrier fallen Bahamut beings to absorb Amira while everyone looks on helplessly; as Kaisar watches in disbelief Lavalley shoves him over the edge of the flying fortress before reveling in Bahamut's awakening.
Le stratagème de Favaro échoue, et Amira, munie de la clé, tombe entre les griffes des démons. De leur côté, Rita et Bacchus se rendent à Abos dans leur chariot.
"악마가 되어버린 잔느는 바하무트의 봉인 결계를 지키고 있었던 천사들을 하나둘씩 죽이기 시작한다. 한편, 신마의 열쇠를 손에 넣은 벨제뷔트를 막기 위해 바쿠스 일행은 하늘로 마차를 띄우는데."
Belzebuth y Martinet preparan Amira para el transporte y la onda expansiva Kaisar que cae en las profundidades. El clan ángel intento de mantener el sello en Bahamut mientras que la detección de la presencia de la llave trascendente. Mientras tanto, Azazel le dice a Rita y Baco que Belzebuth y Martinet están detrás de las acciones de Amira.