Mistarcia ist eine magische Welt, in der Menschen, Götter, Dämonen und Geister zusammenleben. Hier ist Favaro zu Haus: Von Beruf Kopfgeldjäger... und obendrein ein ziemlicher Angeber. Die Banditen, denen er auf der Spur ist, versuchen sich normalerweise mit Hilfe von Geistern zu wehren - aber Favaro ist ein listiger und erfahrener Kopfgeldjäger...
After the epic battle against Bahamut who was sealed the story jumps forward two thousand years later to an era of overall peace. A long battle and chase that span across the town of Wytearp ends when Favaro Leone the bounty hunter escapes the grasp of Kaisar Lidfald, a disgraced knight who suffered humiliation by Favaro. After successfully tracking down and killing a criminal who summons demons, Favaro collects his bounty and celebrates at the local town's tavern. While Favaro brags about his feats, a mysterious woman overhears him boasting about knowing how to get to Helhiem quickly. She then confronts Favaro outside and demands directions to Helhiem. The discussion is cut short when the criminal's younger brother appears. Favaro underestimates the brother's summoned demon and is overwhelmed only to be saved by the mysterious woman who reveals powers that like a demon. She easily overwhelms the demon while Favaro takes out the brother criminal. Busy gloating Favaro is caught in the way of debris and he passes out as the demon woman draws closer, appearing to kiss him. Favaro then awakens at an inn, thinking it all a dream only to find himself suddenly declared a "demon" and he has grown a tail.
Kaisar, le chevalier chasseur de primes, pourchasse Favaro dans la ville de Wytearp avant de perdre sa trace. Favaro rencontre une femme étrange qui lui demande son aide.
陽気な賞金稼ぎの青年ファバロは、実直な騎士カイザルに追われていた。カイザルを煙に巻きながら、いつものように賞金のかかった荒くれ者退治に向かう。時を同じく空から一人の少女が落ちてくる。 少女の名はアーミラ。謎の少女アーミラは酒場で極北の地「ヘルヘイム」への近道を知ると豪語していたファバロを見つけ、道案内を頼むが……。
현상금 사냥꾼 파바로는 자신을 끈질기게 쫓아오는 카이사르를 따돌리고 수배범을 잡는 데 성공한다. 기분이 좋아진 파바로는 술집에서 다음 목적지는 헬하임이라는 허풍을 늘어놓는다. 그런데 이 말을 듣고 그를 찾아온 한 여성이 있었으니…
Favaro Leone viaja por la tierra, recogiendo recompensas y evitando a un cazarrecompensas rival. Pero su vida cambia cuando se encuentra con una misteriosa chica del cielo.