Roger arrives at the school, covered with hives due to an allergic reaction of Juniper Berries. During a broadcast, Morgan's announcement was constantly being cut off due to an electrical break in the circuit of the cables in the booth. George just wanted some sleep, but Morgan dragged him into the booth so that George could continue her news script. As he read it, his message was cut off and back on, which left the announcement revealing that aliens are attacking the school. When Blaire witnesses Roger's hived-up face, he ran for cover, believing that aliens have arrived at the school. While Morgan and George tried to fix what was wrong and to redo the broadcast by emphasizing that there were no aliens. But the broadcast was again short-circuited and she told the school to panic, worry, and evacuate the school"". Once the school heard the announcement, the siren went off, telling everyone to evacuate the building. Blaire tries to help everyone out while Morgan and George continue
Name | Type | Role | |
Paul Pare | Writer | ||
Terence Bowman | Writer | ||
Bernard Deniger | Writer |