The gardens go in as Te Radar puts shovel to earth creating his green paradise. He makes his first batch of home brew and makes a Te Power station out of recycled bits with the help of his dad.
Te Radar gets to grips with plastics; tries pig's tail in a bid to save on his grocery bill; and enlists the help of playgroup mums to make his pad habitable with the help of some reclaimed paint.
With time ticking on his green plan, Te Radar gets a visit from a property valuer; sells excess produce at the local market; and tries to win the Prime Minister over with a taste of his green dream.
Christmas comes to the patch and with the help of his dad, Te Radar engineers his latest labour-saving device, while Santa blesses him with a guest-star role in the local primary school musical.
The patch hosts the local scout troop who help get Te Radar back on gardening track; he installs solar panels; and becomes a proud father to four baby chickens.
Te Radar puts the finishing touches on an improved pizza oven; rides a bamboo bike; and unveils the latest incarnation of the Te Radargator in public.
As Te Radar prepares to farewell the patch, he learns how possums are tanned; meets a family with a food forest; and releases his gingerbeer for public consumption at the A&P show.