This episode I'm joined by my friend Emily, as we sip on shots of Titos chased with sprite. We explain how we know each other, our favorite moments together, and how we both had similar experiences with how we realized we were unhappy in our previous relationships.
Today I'm sitting down with my best Friend Joy as we partake in some vodka and discuss some of our favorite drunk stories together, how we keep our relationships healthy, how we met, and how much we love having ADHD.
That's right, my girlfriend was a fan before we met. Thank GOD cause then I didn't have to work as hard into tricking her to be with me!
JoJo and I have known each other for 5 years, she is truly my little sister. And this year we both ended up coming out to each other at the same time, bringing us closer. She's also an amazing human.
Joy is black... leave here alone. We also discuss our rebel teen years and our favorite moments from this week.
Kendahl Landreth joins me today while we sip on Gin & Tonic, along with a nice glass of red wine. Discussing multiple topics, such as how she accidentally got started on TikTok, our obsession with JoJo Siwa, our biggest insecurities, and much more.
We truly did NOT mean for this to be as sexual as it got. I thought it was going to be more relationship/funny... but you get what you get.
My friends Sammi and Sam join me today to discuss the art and reason for fan-girling. All while roasting me, my house, and our friendships.
Brother Bear joins me today as we drink Monsters and compliment each other. We also discuss our worst poop experiences.
This week my cousin, Andrew, joins me. We talk about our celebrity crushes, our tour experiences, our biggest pet peeves, and what he dislikes most about me. All while sipping on hard cider.
I'm solo today, so I asked the internet if they had questions or needed advice. Well, they didn't hold back. We talked about masturbation, my first time with a woman, why I don't see my family as much anymore, and so much more.
I'm joined by one of my best friends, Joy. We read "Am I The A**hole?" stories, and tell y'all who we think the a**hole is!
My All Things Internet cohost, Emily, is here to talk with me today about all things gay. We've gotten a lot of questions about our sexuality and identity journey, so we talked about it all while being uncensored.
OMG FEMINIST ICON DREW AFUALO JOINS ME TODAY! She is everything I wish I was. I ask her a few questions about her journey on the internet, and then we play an uncensored version of Never Have I Ever.
I'm joined today by my girlfriend's best friend, whom we call dAd. She has lived many lives, one which consists of lots of drugs. And one time in particular that I wanted to discuss with her, is when she realized that she accidentally did m3th.
I'm joined again by Brother Bear, but this time around, we decided to play the extremely sexist game: Battle of The Sexes. It was stupid but we had fun.
I decided to do another solo podcast, cause I truly love answer the questions I've never been able to before. Talking about my views on religion, all the way to my favorite vibrator.
I am joined once more by my little sister slash best friend, JoJo Siwa. We clear up conspiracy theories about her, confirm if she is single or taken, answer heated questions, and tell funny stories. We are hyper and happy.
Emily, the cohost to my other podcast, All Things Internet, joins me today so we can chat completely uncensored. The conversation just led to sex. As it does.
My best friend, Joy, joins me once more to help me discover who indeed, is the a**hole.
I'm joined by my girlfriend, Abbie, today. And we try to give advice on things we have NO business giving advice on.
In this week's episode I bring out my childhood diaries and reveal to you, what used to "piss me off" as a kid!
I decided I needed to check if I was reeeaaalllllyyyyy a good person. Turns out I'm amazing.
This episode my friend/personal assistant/co-host of ATI Emily Brostaff joined me to answer the internet's dirtiest questions. We told you nothing was off-limits, and ended up immediately regretting that.
This week I had you send in your uncensored confessions, and OMG were they a doozy! Please send anymore of your uncensored confessions to me on instagram, I need more!
This week I had you send in your uncensored questions, and you did not hold back! Please send anymore of your uncensored confessions/questions to me on instagram, I need more!
My friends Danny and Emily join me today to discuss conspiracy theories. They believe everything they hear, and I believe nothing.
In today's episode, I answer more of your uncensored questions. The questions mainly seem to be from the baby gays. It's dirty and fun!
Today I am joined by my friend Alanna, who is chronically straight and keeps trying to date men even though they disappoint her at every turn. She gives an insight into her world while reading screenshots of the sh*t men have sent to her. There will definitely need to be a part two to this episode.
Today I am joined by one of my best friends, Emily.... who really really really wanted to discuss ghost stories today. The one I tell at the end made it hard for her to sleep that night.
This episode I have my friend Dylan joining us, to tell us the ridiculous stories he has from being a rental car manager. He's seen it all, from drug heists, to naked people with machetes, and even found guns and drugs. It's unreal.
Today I read your uncensored dirty confessions--and wow...some of them are real shockers!
Today I'm joined by one of my best friends, JoJo Siwa. We deep dive into the vibe of her new album, how new she is at relationships, and her true feelings about her hair.
The hilarious stand-up comedian Ashley Gavin joins us this week to talk about our worst sexual experiences, including when teeth went places they shouldn't have.
Finishing the season off with some seasonal nightmares, with Emily Brostaff.
Welcome to the new year! This episode was last minute, but maybe one of the best we've done. We take a deep dive into the top and weirdest Google searches of 2022. While also finding out what the internet says about "Rachel Ballinger".
Joined by my BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING girlfriend, Abbie. We answer your questions and give our slightly sound advice on relationships, sex, and overall life.
Today we went unscripted and just said whatever came to our minds. Honestly though, we weren't thinking half the time. Thank you, Emily, for joining me.
I asked you via Insta-story to tell me your confessions, and y'all didn't hold back!!!!
Today I'm joined by one of my hilarious best friends, Alli Bellairs. Listen to us talk about everything and absolutely nothing, while also playing Would You Rather... dirty style.
In this episode of Rachel Uncensored, I give Emily free rein to talk about religion, reincarnation, and her creepy theories behind nightterrors. Day-time listening recommended!
Thank you to Daddy @AmbersCloset for joining me today to talk about everything from our celebrity crushes, to threesomes, and coming out, to answering some intimate questions about lgbtq topics and divulging a secret or two! You are the boss.
And thank you to MaMa Ballinger for joining me for the first time ever on Rachel Uncensored to spill some juicy family stories and insider knowledge!
Once more, I'm hanging with my pal, Ashley Gavin! We roast fans together, talk about a terrible fan encounter at show, and then she tells us about her new comedy special out on Youtube NOW!!!! Go watch it!
I'm joined today by my best friend, Joy. We discuss Am I The As*h*le stories, and found a common theme of lack of communication and entitled family.
Today I'm join by my amazing girlfriend, Abigail, and her best friend, Devin. We read different Am I The As*hole? stories, and judge to po*p out of complete strangers.
This one is for the girls! Today, I'm joined by the hilarious TikToker, Becca Moore. We go over her dating life, career endeavors, the greatest icks, and her sexuality.
I am joined this week by my girlfriend, Abbie, and our roommate/best friend Devin to give our opinions on more "Am I The A*shole"s.
You ever wonder what Rachel & Emily's convos are like when the cameras are off? Well look no further! In this week's episode, come sit down with us as we ADHD discuss everything from our high school experiences, to queer terminology, to the "double standards" men and lesbians face in society. It's a doozy, so buckle up.
Today Emily and Rachel sit down to try and figure out what type of lesbians they are. What should have been a fun quirky quiz quickly turns into hurt feelings, self discovery, and a chilling queer confession from Rachel herself.
In today's episode we are getting down and DIRTY! From nasty confessions, to explaining the world's dirtiest jobs, to debunking germ myths--we cover it all! Get the hand sanitizer ready, because this is a gross one!
I asked what y'all wanted, and this was it.
Today I'm joined by my GORGEOUS and caring girlfriend, Abigail. We go over some Reddit confession and pondering grand questions.
Going solo and reading Am I The As*holes. There is one major one that I just don't agree with, even though the rest of the internet does. What do you think?
Another unexpected solo episode which means we deep dive into other people's personally lives once more, to find out if they are the as*hole!
Do you get embarrassed to embarrass other people by telling them when they have sh*t on their face? Also, Abbie joined me while we read AITAs.
Today I ventured into a new side of Reddit: confessions. People just confessing things they know are terrible and we get to read them and judge them.... even though we shouldn't.
It's just me and you today while we judge other people's lives with limited knowledge. Does it get any better than this?
I'm joined by Devin and Abbie today!!!! We answer some hard hitting personal questions while also making fun of our millennial selves.
One more AITA while solo for the year!
Joy FINALLY joins me for another episode. It only took 4 tries! WE read some Am I The As*holes while relating everything to ourselves lol
WELCOME TO THE NEW YEAR! New year but same uncensored me :) Today we go over things that are legal, but FEEL illegal.... some happen to be both.
Today I'm joined by my little sister/best friend, JoJo Siwa! We swap stories, discuss some insecurities and some of the biggest regrets in her career. Sounds more dramatic than it is lol.
I asked instagram what the biggest normalized scams are they people haven't realized yet, and we got into some good ones!
Today I'm joined by my old podcast host of ATI, my mother: Gwen. We have her show her age by trying to define new Gen Z terms, and then get into some thought provoking questions.
I asked instagram to ask me anything, and they didn't hold back!
Joined today by the LOVELY Joyous Joy. We try to read Am I The As*holes but end up really just telling stories about ourselves.
Another solo episode, reading AITA for the last for a while. A couple not the as*holes, one iffy one, and one solid YOU ARE the as*hole.
Today I'm joined by my bestie, Alli Bellairs! I asked instagram for questions and we ended up finding out that Alli is very chill. She also gave some great advice on how to flirt with the ladies.
I asked y'all to blow my mind, and you didn't hold back!
Today I'm joined by my mom and we day dream about all the simple things she would love to buy if she became a 10-millionaire.
I asked you for more mind blowing facts, and I was SHOCKED to find most things were a complete myth. SO I SEARCHED FOR THE TRUTH AND FOUND IT!
Joy and I have been best friends for awhile. But what if we were more than that? (ps Abbie thought this was hilarious and is the least insecure or jealous human alive)
Okay okay okay you gotta help me come up with new material! But I hope you enjoy THIS episode of Am I The *sshole.
Joy joined us today to keep me honest while responding to y'all assumptions about me!
Today I wanted to take it back to my roots and talk about what pisses me off! I do this by reading my old book I published 7 years ago!
Abbie is joining us today to help with the last of the assumptions about me. Also.... to help with the ROASTS you sent my way.
Today is part 2 of reading my book from 7 years ago. And OMG this episode was very telling of how much I've changed.
Today I'm joined by my mother as we test our intellectual abilities! These tests might not show our greatest strengths though.
Giving you a break from my book this week, so instead I admit my own icks about myself and read other people's JUICY confession.
Today Joy joins me for some more confessions but it just lead to a bunch of laughing fits.
Another solo episode where I deep dive into the most "hectic" confessions on reddit.
Today I'm joined by my bestie, Joy. We decide to try and find each other's red flags by playing "This or That"!
Decided to do a another question answer for this solo episode. Which causes us to go over what I DO NOT f*ck with.
I posted several pictures on my instagram and asked the internet to LIGHTLY roast me, and boy did they ever. And with me to respond is none other than Joy!
There has been a gloom over my life. I can't fathom being a silly goose at this time!!!!
My girlie pop is bi... but it's totally not even a big deal cause people don't need to come out. But maybe this is all a part of my gay agenda hehehehehehe.
On another solo episode we all yell at women to leave their crappy husbands and find better men!
Today my beautiful girlfriend, Abigail, joins us. We playing a few drinking games and end up opening up about some dirty little secrets.
Flying solo again today. Going over if people would be as*hole or are they currently being one.
Joined by Mama Gwen today! I asked people if they needed her advice on things, and y'all delivered.... my mother on the other hand had a little difficulty giving sound responses lol
I started filming this episode when I was in a bad mood, so I had to cool my jets when responding to things lol.
Today I'm joined by the one and ONLY JoJo Siwa. We discuss her history with drugs and seeing into the future!
Well well well we meet again!!!! Today we catch up and I explain my most recent surgery. Then dive in and discuss strangers lives.
Today I'm joined by THREE guests! Miss Abigail, Colleen and Teeny! A wild mix that leads to lots of bickering and laughter. We recap how we feel about vibes and divulge into ridiculous stories about my ex. While finishing it up with a game of "which sister would be more likely".
Solo episode where I decide to debunk some more myths! Why were any of these told to us in the first place???
Joined once more by our Joyous Joy! We go over all the weird euphemisms that I could find! Doing such led us to Joy admitting that she wants to start a certain new saucy career if needed.
This week I decided to talk about weddings. The truth behind them and how they started!
Today I'm joined once more by my sister Colleen! We decided to deep dive into a couple controversial topics.
Am I the as*hole reviews once more!
Today I'm Joined by the Joyous Joy to go over a bunch of Would You Rathers, where I felt very strongly to convince Joy to agree with me on everything lol.
Today we deep dive into the origin and traditions of Halloween! Mainly to see why I wasn't allowed to trick-or-treat as a kid.
Today I'm joined by none other than THE Alli Bellairs. And I decided to put her on the hot seat to find out what rumors about her are true and what are false.
My experiences.
Today I'm joined by our FAVORITE guest, Miss Abigail! We discuss things more up her alley like shoes in the house and booktok!
Today we deep dive into dreams and their meanings.... WHICH PISSES ME OFF!
Welcome to another lovely episode with Joy! Where we pretend to get married so we can play the newly wed game!
Today is another solo episode where I cover a couple more "Am I The As*hole?".
Today I'm joined by my beautiful miss Joyous Joy! We talk about Thanksgiving, holiday depression, retail stickers, and play musical games that we both suck at.
On today's solo episode, I wanted to play some trivia with y'all! Christmas style.
Today I'm joined by my beautiful bestie once more! And somehow I disclose a quirk of mine that I find to be my biggest ick.
Another solo go! Reading Am I The As*holes, and in this episode there were a few where people we very conflicted on who exactly was in fact the as*hole.
We decided to make your Holiday wishes come true and film our bath together! We play a chapstick game and Hot or Not.
Today I wanted to see if the internet could diagnose me!
Today I'm joined by my bestie, Joy! We deep dive into our relationship with the internet. Our fears, love, and hates.
In today's solo episode, I decide to go on a Buzzfeed deep dive finding out SHOCKING information.
Today I'm joined by my BEAUTIFUL and INTELLIGENT girlfriend, Abigail. But we need to find out if she's straight and if she's gonna leave me for Machine Gun Kelly.
Communication is always key, but it's weirdly the hardest thing to master.
Today I'm joined by my bestie Joy, as we discuss what was our biggest and greatest pains in life.
Today I wanted to go over past regrets and making sure I don't have any in the future.
Joy joins me today while we decide who is the better best friend, and go over out biggest wishes in life.
I love when she yaps with me.
Another Question Answer for my little ADHD brains that can't follow one topic for an entire episode lol.
Another ADHD episode where we bounce from talking about taking fighting classes all the way to our religious trauma triggers.