Chae Gyung is at risk of losing her life. Yeok begins to think of a way to help Chae Gyung and decides that his brother is the only one who can help. Yeok comes up with a plan to get Yung to help Chae Gyung. Meanwhile, Su Geun offers his life in the place of his daughter’s, and the ministers do all they can to keep Chae Gyung in prison.
임사홍의 계략에 채경은 죽을 위기에 봉착하고, 소식을 들은 역이 채경을 돕기 위한 방법을 떠올리는데..
한편, 채경의 소식을 듣고 놀란 융은 곧장 채경에게 달려가는데..
Chae-gyeongs Leben steht auf dem Spiel. Yeok und Yung versuchen auf unterschiedliche Art, sie zu beschützen. Die Minister drängen auf Ermittlungen gegen den Dieb.