Yeok and Chae Gyung’s relationship becomes even more complicated. While traveling to meet her parents, she loses the important letter, and thinks that Yeok stole it. Furthermore, the relationship between Yeok and Yung becomes more strained as Yung finds out about a secret letter his father had left behind.
꼬일대로 꼬여버린 인연으로 완전 앙숙이 되어버린 채경과 역!
채경은 부모님께 전달해야 할 중요한 서찰을 잃어버리자 역을 범인으로 의심하는데..!
한편, 융은 아버지 성종이 남긴 밀서를 찾기 위해 혈안이 된다.
Chae-gyeong überlebt eine gefährliche Situation, an der auch Yung beteiligt ist, erfährt von Yeoks Identität und freundet sich mit Seo No an.