Regina y Lalo tratan de hacer entrar en razón a Luz, pero la mamá gallina no se tocará el corazón para enseñarles una lección a sus pollitos.
Luz with the help of Iván begins the proceedings of the lawsuit against her children. Mariano learns that he is sterile. Violeta is very excited about a grandson without knowing that her son-in-law is sterile. Regina complains to Iván for helping her mother in the lawsuit against her and her brothers and Patricio secondes her. Regina could lose her job because of her family problems. Camila is afraid she is pregnant with Alan. Luz asks her children to speak to their lawyer and not to her.
Luz explica ao juiz o motivo pelo qual está processando seus filhos. Mariano garante aos seus irmãos que Luz os processou por culpa de Jesus. Camila descobre que está grávida. Mariano confessa a Constanza que não pode ter filhos.