La mamá gallina descubre que está muy enferma, así que anuncia a toda la familia que venderá el terreno. Esto desata una batalla en la casa de los Rueda.
The doctor performs several studies on Luz and informs her that she is very ill. Regina and Patricio manage to be rescued after spending several hours stuck in the elevator. The Rueda are happy to see Luz back, but Ponchita makes her sister see that her children need a good scolding. Luz announces to the whole family that she will sell the land and Mariano demands to know what relationship there is between Jesús and Luz, so he confesses the truth in an emotional moment.
Regina e Patrício ficam presos num elevador. O médico informa a Luz que a causa de seus desmaios é uma doença grave. Jade tenta seduzir Patrício. Luz revela aos seus filhos que decidiu vender a casa.