Mariano explota al ver a Pamela en su casa y se va contra Luz, a quien minimiza por ser una vendedora de pollos. Regina trata de ganarle la batalla a Patricio.
Mariano explodes when he sees Pamela at his house and complains to her for pretending to be his girlfriend. Mariano minimizes his mother for being selling chicken, rejects Luz's love and assures her that, the day he gets married, they will never see him again. Regina tries to win the battle against Patricio and remodels the office. Sol looks for Alan to give him his jacket and he discovers that she is the girl who saved his life.
Mariano ameaça se afastar da família após se casar com Luz. Violeta confronta Wenceslao sobre seu passado. Mariano reprova Luz por não ser uma boa mãe.