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Season 1

  • S01E01 What It Means to Be a Conscious Being

    • Gaia

    If being conscious is the thing that defines our existence as a human being, then what is consciousness, and how does it work? Randy Veitenheimer explores many aspects of consciousness from our own alert state of mind to the collective consciousness and every level in between. We also gain an insight into the physical and emotional duality of reality with an understanding that both are different states of energy and information. Explore many aspects of what it means to be a conscious human being, as an individual and part of the collective, plus the energy transference that’s possible from the connections we make.

  • S01E02 Improving Life Force

    • Gaia

    Got energy? Energy is the essence of life and consciousness. Unfortunately, most people lack energy and are unable to maintain an ideal existence in our physical reality. This can manifest as illness or internal conflict. Randy Veitenheimer explains the physical, mental, and emotional connection we have to various energy states and how we can protect health and wellbeing by increasing energy levels and blocking out unwanted energy and information. He offers tips and techniques that we can use to improve how our lifeforce flows into and through the body to improve its health and wellbeing.

  • S01E03 Navigating the Energetic Ocean

    • Gaia

    Physically, we are bound to the time and space in which our bodies are located. Energetically, at the level of consciousness, we are not limited. We can instantly move through the entire cosmos and access vast troves of information. Randy Veitenheimer explains that even as physical beings, we are energetic entities living in an energetic ocean. He shows us how one mind exploring the information of the field can change the way we see and understand our reality collectively. With this new information brought into our collective consciousness, what was once impossible becomes possible.

  • S01E04 Death and Transformation

    • Gaia

    Death is not the end. It is just another part of being a transcendent, non-physical being living in a physical reality. Randy Veitenheimer helps us understand death as means of transformation of energy states. We explore the energetic essence of life beyond the physical incarnation and our connection to collective memory which is the energetic nature of ghosts and the expansion of consciousness as we transition from one reality to another.

  • S01E05 Energy Crisis in the Human Body

    • Gaia

    What can I do to be healthy? This is a question that many of us ask, only to be inundated with a myriad of answers that may not directly address our deepest health concerns. Randy Veitenheimer explains that our main health concern is the energy crisis of the human body. To understand this energy crisis, we must learn how to maintain the life force within our bodies, and how it escapes from us, draining us of our health and wellbeing. Raising consciousness is important, as it leads to amplified states of energy and increases the size of the energy body surrounding our physical form.

  • S01E06 The Duality of Reality

    • Gaia

    Each of us stands upon the threshold of two realities. One we hold deep within, the other we experience in the world around us. But both are intricately connected in ways we could never imagine. Randy Veitenheimer helps us to understand the point of attachment between this duality of reality, and how we can effectively balance our awareness between them both. He shares with us various practices that range from martial arts to meditation to helps us increase the intensity of presence at this point of attachment and become conscious co-creators of the reality we experience.

  • S01E07 Understanding the Universe Inside You

    • Gaia

    There is a vast and complicated universe inside each one of us, and it dictates the conditions of the universe outside of us, that we interact with, daily. Randy Veitenheimer explains the steps we can take to transcend into one of the highest states of consciousness that can be achieved in this life. It comes down to understanding the importance of conflict as a means of transcending the negative and engage more in the positive.

  • S01E08 Movement & Your Mind

    • Gaia

    Randy Veitenheimer discusses the importance of movement for health of body and being. He explains that everything from illnesses to immune responses are controlled by energy flow, including anxiety and depression. To help you get to higher states of health and consciousness, he offers techniques to renew your energy, which can recharge your decision-making mode and move beyond internal conflicts.

  • S01E09 Transdimensional Interactions

    • Gaia

    Are you interacting with energy that you are completely unaware of? Day in and day out, many of us lock our awareness into the digital realm, oblivious of the connections being made with people and beings in other dimensions of reality. Randy Veitenheimer explains that many of us are putting too much energy into non-physical realities and helps us to shift our focus away from the allure of the electronic realms to become aware of our energetic interactions with beings that live in the physical and non-physical realms of existence.

  • S01E10 Spirituality of the Human Microbiome

    • Gaia

    What does it mean to be human, and how human are you? As we grow from zygote to symbiote, our lives are intricately intertwined with, and deeply dependent upon, a powerful microscopic intelligence living within our own bodies. Randy Veitenheimer sheds light upon the human microbiome that influences cellular activities, bodily functions, and our behaviors to get what these microorganisms need to survive. When we learn to work in participation with our entire body, including the microbiome, we can evolve beyond our current physical and mental conditions, and make a spiritual connection with all of life.

  • S01E11 Creating by Will

    • Gaia

    We can have the profound ability to interact with the universe, through the spacetime field, and create new things in our reality. Randy Veitenheimer describes the bonds between our physical and spiritual existence, giving us a deeper understanding of our connection with the universe. He explains, that before we were born, we existed. As we came into being in the physical world, our pre-existing consciousness connected with the preexisting form of the human body. This awareness illuminates the path for developing an advanced capability for creation. This is the stuff of myth and legends, which told of fantastically powerful beings that could create reality by Will alone.

  • S01E12 Transcendence vs. Ascension

    • Gaia

    With many of us focused upon spiritual ascension, Randy Veitenheimer alerts us that we may be focusing our efforts in the wrong direction. He explains the difference between ascension and transcendence, as they pertain to the physical world and imaginary realms. In this final episode, we revisit the tools he has given to us throughout this season to further us along the path of transcendence. Though you will see the effects of your efforts upon your own individual transcendence, it is important to know that every step you take along this path impacts the whole of humanity.