以中国医疗队于2014 年奔赴非洲西部多国参与抗击埃博拉病毒出血热疫情的感人事迹为原型,讲述了病毒学家郑书鹏和所在的中国医疗队卒然间遭遇凶险疫情,在极其落后的医疗条件下,本着医道无界的人道主义精神、疫情就是军情的使命感、以及构建人类命运共同体的责任感,用精湛的医术与病毒展开艰苦卓绝的战斗,最终成功遏制病毒的蔓延,挽救大量生命,圆满完成了党和人民交与任务。
Based on the touching deeds of the Chinese medical team that went to many countries in western Africa to fight against the Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever in 2014, it described the virologist Zheng Shupeng and the Chinese medical team that encountered a dangerous epidemic suddenly, in the extremely backward medical treatment. Under the conditions, in line with the humanitarian spirit of unbounded medical treatment, the mission of the epidemic is the military situation, and the sense of responsibility to build a community with a shared future for mankind, we use superb medical skills to fight the virus and fight the virus, and finally successfully contain the spread of the virus and save a large number of lives. Completed the tasks assigned by the party and the people.