In 1913, in Changsha, Hunan, renowned educator Kong Zhaoshou became the principal of the First Normal School of Hunan. He vigorously promoted educational reforms and hired outstanding teachers like Yang Changji, transforming the school.
The revamped institution attracted many students, including 19-year-old Mao Zedong, who enrolled as the top candidate.
During their studies, Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Xiao Zisheng, and other idealistic youths formed strong friendships. Simultaneously, students from the Zhou Nan Private Women's Normal School, such as Tao Siyong, Xiang Jingyu, and Yang Kaihui, joined them based on shared interests. A progressive study group became the hub of their intellectual exchanges.
However, political turmoil disrupted their academic lives. In the fight against Sino-Japanese rapprochement, warlord Tang Xiangming forced out Kong, and Mao narrowly escaped arrest, shaking his faith in educational reform.
En 1913, en Changsha, Hunan, el famoso educador Kong Zhaoshou asumió como director de la Primera Escuela Normal de Hunan. Impulsó reformas educativas y contrató destacados profesores como Yang Changji, transformando la escuela.
El renovado instituto atrajo a muchos estudiantes, entre ellos el joven Mao Zedong, que ingresó como el mejor calificado con solo 19 años.
En su vida estudiantil, Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Xiao Zisheng y otros jóvenes idealistas forjaron lazos de amistad. Al mismo tiempo, alumnas de la Escuela Normal Femenina Privada de Zhou Nan, como Tao Siyong, Xiang Jingyu y Yang Kaihui, se unieron a ellos por ideales comunes. Un grupo de estudio progresista se convirtió en el núcleo de su intercambio intelectual.
Sin embargo, los disturbios políticos interrumpieron su vida académica. En su lucha contra la aproximación sino-japonesa, el señor de la guerra Tang Xiangming expulsó a Kong, y Mao casi fue arrestado, lo que hizo tambalear su fe en el reformismo.