"Every time we lose an animal we're haunted by doubts, "says RSPCA vet Ian Robinson , who is on call seven days a week at the high-tech East Winch animal hospital in Norfolk. "The vast majority of animals we come across are suffering because of man.Wherever there's an interaction between man and wildlife, wildlife suffers. Here we have an opportunity to redress that balance." In the last of this series, QED records life at East Winch over four months, in particular following the story of Grouper the grey seal and his fight for survival. Grouper was found stranded on a Humberside beach with an infected gash on his neck, near to death. The film also looks at a wounded badger, a sick kestrel and a hedgehog with no spines. "We're in a situation where there is so much unknown," says Robinson, "but I think we're getting better."