Home / Series / Q.E.D. (1982) / Aired Order / Season 1993 / Episode 9

The Family Game

At just 5 years old, Andrew has already left two schools because of his disruptive behaviour. His parents are at their wits' end. For the past six weeks the whole family has been visiting the Maudsley Hospital in London, where specialists believe they can discover the cause of Andrew's problems. The "parent-child game" which is being pioneered at the hospital teaches parents to believe that - at a time when anti-social behaviour is increasing - all families should be taught these skills. This moving account of a family in trouble and a revolutionary treatment has lessons for parents and children everywhere. Producer Robert Thirkell

  • Originally Aired May 5, 1993
  • Network BBC One
  • Created December 19, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified December 19, 2020 by
    Administrator admin