Home / Series / Q.E.D. (1982) / Aired Order / Season 1988 / Episode 1

The Magic of Memory

Do you think you've got a bad memory? Forget people's names? Would you like to able to remember things better? Tonight master magician Paul Daniels will help you out - not with any magic tricks, but with some fascinating memory-improving techniques. Paul's been using them for years, and recently they have even helped him to learn a foreign language - at the rate of over 700 words a week! Paul says anyone can improve their memory, so join him as he demonstrates (with the help of Dr Mike Gruneberg, Debbie McGee, the Man in the Moon, Father Christmas, and Donald Duck) the magical power of your memory.

  • Originally Aired January 6, 1988
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Network BBC One
  • Created August 16, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 16, 2020 by
    Administrator admin