Home / Series / Q.E.D. (1982) / Aired Order / Season 1986 / Episode 4

The Most Swirling, Swinging, Sliding, Spinning, Up-and-Down Ride of Your Life

Q.E.D. looks at the science behind the thrill machines. Discover the best seat on a roller-coaster, the fun of becoming five times heavier in as many seconds, the speed of a fall that's so fast there's no time to scream. Hold tight and prepare yourself: you'll be spinning upside-down, looping the loop while standing up and dropping so fast that you've no idea where your stomach is.

  • Originally Aired March 19, 1986
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Network BBC One
  • Created December 19, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified December 19, 2020 by
    Administrator admin