The first episode of Pulp Musicals is titled "The Great Moon Hoax", and is inspired by actual events, when in the summer of 1835, a struggling New York City newspaper published a series of articles detailing the discovery of a thriving lunar civilization. 19th century readers believed it, imaginations ran wild, and the moon never felt closer to the Earth.
Inspired by the 1869 novella The Brick Moon, The Brick Satellite follows Margaret Cavendish, John Herschel, Rose Stratford, Samuel Stratford, and a few new characters as they attempt to build a satellite entirely made of brick in the hopes that this could act as a Polaris-like guide for those attempting to navigate the sea.
Inspired by the story of the 1881 Ellen Austin encounter, The Ghosts of Antikythera follows Rose Stratford, Samuel Stratford, Margaret Cavendish and John Herschel and a few new characters as they travel through the legendary Sargasso Sea (the Bermuda Triangle) and encounter a ship that appears to be completely abandoned and it's crew almost entirely vanished.
Loosely inspired by Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island, The Searcher in the Shadows follows Rose Stratford as she finds herself on the mysterious Lincoln Island, two weeks in the past. On the island Rose meets various inhabitants with magic similar to Margaret. These people speak of a lost kingdom called The Blazing World and that what occurs on Lincoln Island will impact an entire civilization.