The Garadain Empire invades planet Earth to drain it of its resources after draining their own planet dry. Zeku Alba, a Garadain scientist, decides to rebel against them and escapes to Earth, where he gathers a group of young children who can do psychogenesis, the ability to form solid objects from psychic energy. The most gifted of them is Isamu Napoto, a young orphan whose family was killed in the first attack of the Garadain Empire. To battle the Garadain Isamu is able to create Govarian, a robot which can regenerate through psychic energy. With the help of his fellow psychogenesis users, Isamu fights to protect the Earth from the Garadain Empire.
- Psycho Armor Gobarian
- Psychoarmor Govarian
1983년에 방영된 일본 애니메이션. 원작자는 나가이 고. 총감독은 오쿠다 세이지. 제크 아르바 박사에 의해 모인 초능력 전사들이 그들의 초능력으로 창조된 로봇인 사이코 아머에 탑승해 지구를 침략해온 가라다인 군과 맞서 싸운다는 이야기