Home / Series / Prisoner: Cell Block H / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 41

Episode 206

Bea bails Lizzie out of trouble by having her give the women back their original bets and IOUs for the rest. Terry brings in a bottle of scotch for Margo. Her information - that Lizzie is running the book - doesn't impress Terry much, but Margo says if he doesn't give her the booze she'll never tell him anything else. He gives it to her. Meg and Nick have a cosy chat about his family. Although Meg doesn't notice, Nick is beginning to look at her with dewy eyes. Terry tells Vera that he got info from Margo, but doesn't tell her about the scotch. Vera is determined to put an end to Lizzie's book. Lizzie comes up with a plan for her IOUs. She'll bet the women she owes double or nothing that she can pick 6 out of 8 races. Judy has her tape recorder returned, but a cassette is missing. Margo tells Hazel that she has a bottle of scotch and she'll share if Hazel will side with her. Hazel tells Margo to go drink her scotch. Lizzie tells the women her plan; she'll pick one horse from each race and put the names in a tin. Bob has lunch with a Swedish contact, who just happens to be a Nordic babe . Lizzie won't let anyone see the names she's picked until after the races. Margo sees through her con and tries to tell the women, but they ignore her. Then Vera bursts into the laundry as the women are listening to the races. She discovers the IOUs on Doreen all signed by Lizzie. The women peek in the tin and see that Lizzie has picked 7 winners. Lizzie is marched into Erica's office, but Erica doesn't very much care. She "punishes" Lizzie by sending her to the maternity block to help out. Bea knows Margo must have lagged on Lizzie and she figures that Margo must have used the missing cassette to get something on Terry. She figures if Margo is going to blackmail a screw she'll be dangerous indeed. Nick brings Meg some lunch and asks if she and Bob have an "open" relationship. Meg blushes and chooses not to discuss such things. Terry and Vera argue over Lizzie and how the women shoul

  • Originally Aired June 24, 1981
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created February 16, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 3, 2025 by
Name Type Role
Ray Kolle Writer
Brian Hannan Guest Star
duplicate - Jane Clifton (Margo Gaffney) Guest Star
Maggie Maxwell Guest Star Mrs Russell
duplicate - Belinda Davey (Hazel Kent) Guest Star
Kerry McGuire Guest Star Arna Johannsen
Roy Edmunds Guest Star Guard
Ned Manning Guest Star Nick Clarke
Juliana Focht Director