Home / Series / Prisoner: Cell Block H / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 22

Episode 187

Vera thinks that Lizzie hasn't escaped at all and that the women are hiding her to play a joke on the officers. Jim says the same thing to Erica, and Erica throws a fit of pique and has the women confined to their cells until Lizzie turns up - or the women admit what they are doing. Lizzie selects some clothes and a hat from a charity shop then pretends to have left her bag on the bus: the woman running the shop not only says she can take the clothes and pay for them later, but also give Lizzie two dollars from her own purse. Lizzie makes the money go further by buying something in a chemist's and conning the assistant into giving her change from ten dollars instead of the two she really gives him. Doreen predicts Lizzie will be back by the next day at the latest. David goes to Bea's cell to find out what's going on, as he suspects it's another trick to have his classes cancelled. Vera finds him and tells him off for straying outside his allotted area. Lizzie stops off for "afternoon tea" - but we see her push open the door of a public bar. Erica changes her mind and decides that there should be a full scale search of the prison after all. Lizzie catches a bus to go and visit Sid. Meg asks Vera to work her late shift so she can go home to entertain Bob's clients. When Lizzie arrives at the nursing home, a doctor tells her that Sid isn't there, as he's away visiting his son. Lizzie goes away, but returns at the end of the day even more drunk, and is put in a spare room to sleep it off. Bob phones Meg to ask her to change out of her uniform before she comes home. The women string the officers along by shouting to each other about where Lizzie might be hiding. Mr Leifenbacker recognises Meg from the TV coverage of the siege, and Meg is forced to admit she's a prison officer, not knowing that Bob has told the Leifenbackers a quite different story. After they leave, Meg is furious that Bob lied about her job, and won't speak to him next morning at breakfast. Erica decid

  • Originally Aired April 21, 1981
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created February 16, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 16, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Alistair Sharp Writer
Barbara Ramsay Guest Star Lois Leifenbacker
duplicate - Amanda Muggleton (Chrissie Latham) Guest Star
Ric Harley Guest Star Dr Evans
Anthony Hawkins Guest Star
Moira Claux Guest Star Shop Woman
Randall Berger Guest Star
Veronica Haywood Guest Star Shopper
Serge Lazareff Guest Star
John McRae Director