Home / Series / Prisoner: Cell Block H / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 1

Episode 166

Judy and Mouse dig in the rubble with their bare hands, but they only turn up Irene's dead body . They shout for help and hear Bea's voice on the other side of the cave-in: Bea tells them that Doreen and Lizzie are still alive. Meanwhile, Anne is making a rockery on top of the tunnel, but Gillespie sees her and sends her back inside the marquee. Bea has to help Doreen free her leg , but she still isn't able to walk, so Bea goes back alone to try to get help. Margo and Hazel are worried that Bea and Lizzie haven't come back , especially when Vera notices that Bea isn't around, but Margo manages to cover for her. Bea reaches the entrance to the tunnel but can't get the lid up. Gillespie notices the ladder and raises the alarm: all the kids are sent home. Bea finds her way back to Doreen and Lizzie and suggests they all sit down and wait for help to arrive: Lizzie points out that they've made sure that no-one knows they are down the tunnel and if they are relying on Anne for help, they may be in for a long wait. Judy and Mouse find the other end of the tunnel and try to clean themselves up before coming out into the daylight. The women are sent back to their cells and it's only when the costumes come off that the officers realise there are six prisoners missing. Gillespie blames the officers' incompetence for the escape, especially Vera when she admits she suspected Bea was missing but didn't report it straight away. Judy's letter to Erica is found in a cell search and handed over to Gillespie, but he shrugs off its claim that his repressive security measures caused the escape. Judy and Mouse find the van, but a youth has just broken into it and is going through the glovebox. Judy ties him up and shoves him in the back of the van. Mouse and Judy check the driving licences for their new identities. The inspector investigating the escape points out there are no tracks around the base of the ladder and asks iof there is any other way they could ahve escaped. Gillespie wa

  • Originally Aired February 4, 1981
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created February 16, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified January 13, 2025 by