Home / Series / Prisoner: Cell Block H / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 29

Episode 29

The prisoner step up their bullying campaign against Yates now that they know what she is inside for. Yates gives her file back to Vera and steals a knife from the dining room after Vera refuses to give her anything to protect herself with. Monica ambushes her in the corridor and takes her to Bea. Bea and Yates fight, leading to Yates pulling her knife, stabbing Bea and running off. She hides in one of the laundry driers; Vera, unaware she is inside, walks past and shuts the door. Meanwhile, neither officers nor prisoners know where Yates is and the hunt begins to find her. Susan Rice throws acid in Jason Richards' face live on TV. She is brought back to Wentworth, now completely loopy, and is attacked by Doreen. Meg and Jean discover that Richards is in fact Susan's husband, not his lover. Lynn meets Syd's son Geoff, who is instantly attracted to her.

  • Originally Aired May 30, 1979
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created June 13, 2011 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 13, 2011 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Michael Brindley Writer
Lesley Baker Guest Star Monica Ferguson
Kate Jason Guest Star
David Bradshaw Guest Star Jason Richards
Briony Behets (Susan Rice) Guest Star
David Cameron Guest Star Geoffrey Butterfield
Kirsty Child (Anne Yates) Guest Star
Lindsay Edwards Guest Star
Bill Hunter Guest Star
Marcus Cole Director