A story that follows a princess with amnesia who meets a prince that did not want to marry her and how they find a place for themselves despite the complications of the time.
Crown Princess Rong Le of Western Qi wakes up from a coma with no memories but she becomes suspicious of her real identity due to traces from the past. To form a political alliance with Northern Lin, Rong Le is ordered to marry Prince Wu You who refuses her at the door.
With the marriage falling through, Rong Le assumes the identity of a tea house owner and a new name as Man Yao. She begins secretly searching for invaluable books left behind by the Qin Family that are said to bring greatness to a nation. Her path leads her to Wu You who falls for her without knowing that she is the princess he rejected. Yet it may already be too late for him to learn the truth because she is on new orders to marry General Fu Chou of Northern Lin.
의식 불명 상태에서 깨어난 주인공이 모든 기억을 잃어버려 자신의 신분에 대해 의구심을 가진 채 혼사를 거절당하고, 이름을 바꾼 후 찻집을 운영하던 중 우연히 과거 혼인 상대를 만나 서로의 신분을 모른 채 사랑에 빠지게 되는 이야기
Dans le palais du royaume de Qi, la princesse Rong Le se réveille complètement amnésique, avec pour seul soutien son frère l'empereur Rong Qi. Or, elle est envoyée au royaume de Lin pour se marier avec le prince Zong Zheng Wu You. Mais sa véritable mission consiste à retrouver un mystérieux livre de stratégies dont on dit qu'il peut permettre de gouverner le monde et qui a été écrit par un ancien citoyen de Lin. Mais une fois arrivée au Lin, le prince Wu You refuse de l'épouser et même de la rencontrer. Rong Le propose alors au prince un délai de six mois pour faire connaissance et pendant ce temps, elle pourra secrètement chercher le livre sous la couverture de Man Yao, maîtresse d'une maison de thé. Wu You la rencontre alors sous cette fausse identité et tombe amoureux d'elle.