All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E06 The Fairy Princess

    • October 22, 1995
    • YouTube

    A faery, named Wisp, Faery King Odeon's daughter, goes after her lost flock of magic sheep. The sheep became affected by the Wild Magic, turning into "biker-sheeps" through a rainbow passage to the Great Deserts of Avalon. Wisp gets lost following them and needs help to find her way home, when coming across the Travel Trees that took her to Crystal Palace where she meets the Jewel Riders. The Jewel Riders head for the Great Deserts where they discover a secret passage into Faeryland, but Lady Kale has arrived first and decided this is a perfect new kingdom for her to rule. The Jewel Riders, with the help of the Faery Princess, must discover the Desert Star Crown Jewel and save Faeryland from Kale, but the problem is that it is an alternate dimension where magic works differently.

Season 2

  • S02E02 Meet Shadowsong

    • September 15, 1996
    • YouTube

    Using maps found in Merlin’s cottage, the Jewel Riders ride the Wild Magic looking for Wizard Jewels. However the Travel Trees cannot handle their new magic and they must travel through the Wild Magic on their own. Tamara finds a place that registers strong magic and the Jewel Riders head there with Magic gliders as their guides. But Morgana has set a trap that send Gwen, Sunstar, Fallon, Moondance and Archie to a place where Morgana can steal the magic of their Enchanted Jewels. Tamara is sent to another place in the Wild Magic where she makes friends with a frightened magical zebracorn named Shadowsong, who was self-conscious about his appearance. Tamara and Shadowsong form a strong bond and must go to the rescue of the other Jewel Riders before Morgana can steal their magic.