While making their way to their match against Yamabuki, some Fudomine players get into a car accident. Though they make it to their match, the trauma of the accident makes them unable to play at full strength against their opponents. After hearing about the accident from Akutsu, Fudomine's captain, Kippei Tachibana, has his team forfeit the match. Meanwhile, scared of being completely defeated, Seigaku's opponent willingly forfeits their match, so Seigaku faces their next opponent, Yamabuki.
Es, finalmente, el día del torneo. Fudomine lamentablemente perdió su primer partido por la derrota debido a veces miembros que resultaron heridos en un accidente de coche. Seigaku tuvo que luchar Ginka pero decidió abandonar debido echizen Antes de que los golpearon.