Prince Caspian, Episode 2

That night, Lucy wakes up from sleep, hearing someone calling her name. She realises that it is Aslan, who instructs the others to follow him. The children meet Aslan the next morning at the Stone Table, and he takes them to meet the Old Narnians and Prince Caspian. Nikabrik summons a Hag and a Werewolf, intending to resurrect the White Witch so she can kill Miraz; when the children arrive, Nikabrik, the Hag, and the Werewolf are killed, but Caspian is wounded. Peter sends a letter of challenge to King Miraz and the guard who gave it to him is Glozelle, one of the King's courtiers who along with Sopespian has been conspiring against the King. Miraz then has an argument with his two courtiers, initially intending to refuse the challenge, but Glozelle and Sopespian trick him into accepting the offer. Peter fights Miraz and in the struggle he stabs him. Miraz lies wounded on the floor and Glozelle finishes him off by stabbing him in the back with a knife. A battle is bought briefly, during which Peter kills Glozelle. A brave mouse called Reepicheep has his tail cut off but Aslan restores it in recognition of his bravery. Aslan also names Caspian as the King of Narnia, and peace is restored between all Narnians. The four Pevensies return home, with Aslan telling them that Peter and Susan will not return, but Edmund and Lucy will.

  • Originally Aired November 26, 1989
  • Created September 16, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 16, 2020 by
    Administrator admin