Sprehajalka s psom pred gostilno najde zabodenega natakarja. Izkaže se, da so na večer umora v gostilni večerjali kongresniki. Ponovni informativni pogovori s kongresniki ne prinesejo nobenih namigov, kdo bi lahko moril. Inšpektor Vrenko se znajde pred uganko, ki je nikakor ne more rešiti. Dodatne skrbi mu povzroči oče Boris, saj se ponesreči in pristane v bolnišnici, tako, da bo sedaj moral skrbeti tudi za njega.
A woman walking her dog finds a stabbed waiter in front of an inn. It turns out that on the night of the murder, congressmen dined at the inn. Repeated debriefings with congressmen yield no clues as to who might have done the killing. Inspector Vrenko finds himself in front of a puzzle that he cannot solve. His father Boris causes additional worries, because he has an accident and ends up in the hospital, so that now he will have to take care of him as well.